Water In Yemen

Good deed charity provides regular water tanker refills to areas throughout Sanaa, Radaa, Ibb & Dhamar and we want to increase the number of areas.

A lack of infrastructure due to the ongoing war means that natural water sources are very difficult to access.

Overall, only one-third of Yemen’s population is connected to a piped water network. We are installing water facilities where they’re needed most. Water is the most important substance on earth but for millions of Yemenis, it is hard to find.

70% of Yemenis live in rural areas with no access to a state-run water supply, meaning many of them drink and cook with dirty water as there is simply no alternative – causing the largest outbreaks of cholera the modern world has witnessed.

Each Water tanker refill contains 6000 litres of clean safe drinking water.

A water tanker costs £30 and can provide 20 families (100 individuals) with clean water for 3 days. So for a family of 6 people, just £20 can provide them with clean water for a month.

Please give generously.

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